A growing body of evidence suggests that children are especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of some pesticidesl including those that are nerve poisons, carcinogens, reproductive toxins or hormone disruptors (Unthinkable Risk, NCAMP Report)
Pesticides exposure has been shown to cause brain damage
A 1998 study showed that pesticide-exposed children have impaired hand-eye coordination, decreased stamina, and memory impairment (Elizabeth A. Guillette, et al, from Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume 106, Number 6, June 1998)
The Maastricht Aging Study found that people exposed to pesticides were found to be five times more likely to suffer from mild brain problems compared with the general population. Farmers and gardeners were most at risk
Scientists have shown that the combination of two widely used agricultural pesticides creates in mice the exact pattern of brain damage that doctors see in patients with Parkinson's disease (12/15/00 issue of Journal of Neuroscience)
Risk of childhood leukemia associated with parental use of pesticides
Study links the parental use of pesticides, particularly prenatal use, with an increased incidence of a particular form of childhood leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia Epidemiology 10(5): 481; Dec 1999
Neuroblastoma linked to pesticide use
Results showed that using pesticides in and around the home resulted in a 60% increased likelihood of children developing this cancer. Approximately 60% of children over age 1 who develop neuroblastoma do not live 3 years.(Source:Epidemiology: 12(1 ):20-26, January,2001)
Pesticide exposure may increase miscarriage risk
Living close to areas where agricultural pesticides are applied may increase the risk of fetal death from birth defects according to research conducted at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ( Epidemiology, March 2000)
Pesticide exposures may increase risk of asthma
Herbicide exposure in the first year of life was associated with a 4.6-fold increased risk of asthma, while pesticide exposure was associated with a 2.4-fold increased risk (University of Southern California in Los Angeles study 2003)
Combinations of pesticides shown to alter thyroid hormones
A University of Wisconsin study, published in the journal Toxicology and Industrial Health, shows that a common mix of insecticide, herbicide and fertilizer found in drinking water altered the thyroid hormones of young mice. It also changed their aggressiveness and suppressed their immune systems. (Environmental Health Perspectives, June 1998)
Pesticide drift causes problems for thousands every year
..."EPA recognizes the importance of exposures to pesticides resulting from spray drift. There are thousands of reported complaints of off-target spray drift each year. ...we recognize that some degree of drift of spray particles will occur from nearly all applications"(EPA Fact Sheet on Pesticide Drift 12/99 )
Pesticides contaminate water resources
"U.S. Geological Survey investigations reveal widespread contamination of the nation's water resources...National Water Quality Assessment Program shows that pesticides are widespread in streams and groundwater... One of the most striking findings was that one or more pesticides were found in almost every stream sample collected.(Environmental Science and Technology April 1, 1999/ Volume 33, Issue 7/pp. 164 A-169 A)
Grassroots Coalition: A Connecticut Group for the Reduction/Ellimination of Pesticides
Email Eusr1@aol.com
Ecological Health Organization PO Box 0119 Hebron CT 06248 Email ECHOMCSCT@aol.com.